Save me {Oneshot}

Drake was making his way down the path in the park. He was heading towards the studio, the place where he could act like everything's perfect, but of course nothing is since Nicki's gone. The bare tree branches were reaching out towards him, trying to catch him and prevent him from getting there. Above him there was a swarm of crows flying in the opposite direction from the studio. Drake began to make his way into the studio when he stopped dead in his track. His eyes grew wide as they locked onto the back of a woman who stood at the end of the floor, ready to disappear into a room. The woman's stance was identical to Nicki's and Drake would know that haircut and blonde color anywhere. And god, how he had missed her.

He opened his mouth as if to say something, but no words came out. Drake felt like he was going to throw up, or pass out at any minute. He felt the same feelings he had been feeling weeks ago return to the pit of his stomach, as if he was at the top of a rollercoaster about to make the big drop. Every ounce of his body was praying that he wasn't dreaming. He had to admit to himself that he was happy with seeing her, it was better than all the memories he had in his head. He looked at the girl hopefully with her lips parted, looking as if he was going to say something but he couldn't find the right words and before he could say something the girl disappeared into the room.

Nicki stood in front of the microphone, where she’d been for the past twenty minutes, trembling. Safaree was probably sleeping or waiting for her to leave the small seperated room. As she stared at her hands, she felt nothing. She knew she should feel happy, terrified … all of the above. But there was just a numb feeling where emotion used to be. Her fingers shook as she reached out and touched the microphone, ready to sing.  In that moment, all of her flaws seemed to stand out and emotion came flooding back over her like a tidal wave. She raised her voice and started to sing while the tears were streaming down her face.

This time won't you save me.
This time won't you save mr.
Baby, I can feel myself givin' up.
This time won't you save me.
This time won't you save me.
Baby, I can feel myself givin' up.

And with the last line Nicki broke down and her walls tumbled down. Nicki saw that the door swung open and that Safaree was walking through it. She pushed the door open and  then Nicki half ran to him, and in one easy motion he dropped the magazines and wound his arms around her waist bringing her up to meet him. She hugged him hard, burying her face in-between his shoulder and his neck. The tears starting to well up in her eyes. And she started to cry quietly, burrying her head in-between his shoulder and neck a little bit more. She had never needed her best friend that much.

Suddenly tons of rain streamed through the darkness and beat against all the windows of the studio, drowning out the sound of Nicki singing. Drake slowly opened the door and walked into the room. He was tired of ignoring the fact that Nicki was there and he couldn't take her into his arms because he was too stubborn. He closed the door and that was when he saw Nicki crying. „Onika..“ He said in a soft voice and walked towards her.

Looking up from the paper with the lyrics on it she saw Drake standing in the middle of the room. For a second she just stared at him. „What is he doing here? Safaree, I told you not to let anyone in.“ She spat as she blinked a few tears away. 

„Don't do that, Nika..“ Drake mumbled with a hint of pain in his voice as he stared at Nicki. „I heard your song. It sounds good. It's very personal, isn't it?“

Nicki just eyed him before she got up from where she sat and pulled on her pink cardigan. „What do you want here, Aubrey? I thought I made clear that I don't want to see you.“ 

"Damn, Onika! I can't just stay away. I love you. I fucking love you!" He raised his voice at her and immediately saw that she was crying again. "I'm sorry, come here.." He grabbed her by her waist and pulled her close, never wanting to let her go again.

"I love you, too, Aubrey," Nicki said as she pressed a kiss onto his chest.

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